Sydney - Young Professionals Christmas Function - 8 December 2016

The Society of Construction Law Young Constructors are joining with several other professional associations to host a Young Professionals Christmas Function in Sydney on 8 December 2016 at Pier One. This is a truly unique collaboration  between 18 professional bodies related to the built environment, representing lawyers, planners, architects, engineers, consultants, project managers, environment, communications, and more.
The Society of Construction Law Young Constructors are joining with several other professional associations to host a Young Professionals Christmas Function in Sydney on 8 December 2016 at Pier One. This is a truly unique collaboration  between 18 professional bodies related to the built environment, representing lawyers, planners, architects, engineers, consultants, project managers, environment, communications, and more. A flyer with more information about the event is available here.
December 8th, 2016 12:00 AM
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